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Handmade 100% linen tablecloth, natural colour/beige, 150x250 cm.


Each piece is an original, hand painted by designer Persephanie Economy. No two pieces are the same. The two tablecloths, 'Primi' and 'Secondi' are designed in theme of first and second course meals, with heavy influence from the medditeranian diet. With the words 'Facciamo un brindisi!' written on the side of tablecloth, it translates to 'Lets make a toast!'. Marking the precious memories made over the dinning table. 



To personalise the tablecloth for your own special occasions select 'personalise' in the dropdown menu. Write in the comment section during checkout describing you vision! Please include your email at the bottom of your comment so we can reach out to you and discuss how we can best tailor your tablecloth to you!

Linen Tablecloths

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